Category Archives: Self Care

Living in the Moment or Auto Pilot

Life and living requires your  presence here and now

Is it possible to undertake any number of life’s everyday activities and effectively take care of business while one is on Auto Pilot?  Are we engaged or did we just roll through that stop sign and hit our sweet 80yr old neighbor while she carefully navigated the crosswalk with her walker?   What does it feel like to be on Auto Pilot?   Hello??? Are you there?? Are you listening?

Where the hell did I go and how long have I been gone?!?

That’s what it feels like to be on auto pilot.  Focused somewhere in another galaxy far, far away dreaming of a new life, new phone or winning the lottery.  Maybe, having that  long, drawn out conversation you could have had with that a**hole that insulted you in 1980  in front of your super hot girl friend.  Feels bitchen doesn’t it.  You’re the man and In Control!

Point being-You are not here now and basically, not really living in this moment.  Where, in truth, life is happening now .    We  excavate  our past lives and suddenly, we have re-written history.   Or,  dissect and plan our future and we are a huge success.  It’s ancient history or a glorious  future.  Either way it doesnt frickin’ exist.  Thoughts impact our now moment and let’s face it-It can really suck!

Life is not a flat line but a series of experiences

Some of those experiences will be  judged and separated into a good and bad pile.  Both are stored in the vault of the mind for future reference and evidence of what works and doesnt work. They become part of the stories we tell ourselves.  And, we are officially in Auto Pilot.

We tell ourselves a story about how we see ourselves  experiencing life, especially when it is terribly uncomfortable.  Our stories do not reflect reality  and tend to be a reflection of  past experiences.  Stories  manage the uncomfortable thoughts or feelings we are experiencing now.   We go to the vault or, in essence, the past to deal with what is happening right now.  It happens quickly but can linger for hours, days, or years.  The mind continues to churn out evidence that our stories are real.   Images and feelings come  back to life.  The discomfort is as palatable today as it was 10 years ago.

Life is about the moments here and now.   Whether you are engaged with others, experiences, or yourself-

  1.  Slow down little doggie!  What’s this waking nightmare you’re experiencing right now?
  2.  Listen Up! Is this little drama churning in your brain real or even close to any truth based in this moment? I mean right this minute
  3. Seriously?!? Is it making you feel any better?
  4. Wake Up! You are having a nightmare.
  5. It’s not real.  Focus, focus, on taking a really deep breath.
  6. See that?  You’re still alive and isn’t that great!
  7. Wow, glad that’s over! Do you really want the walking dead rummaging in your underwear drawer ?  Wake Up!  You need new underwear!
  8. Let’s just put that puppy to bed.  What’s happening right now?  Don’t you feel like 100x’s better
  9. OK.  You get a do over and all in the matter of a couple of nano seconds.