Category Archives: Blog

Living in the Moment or Auto Pilot

Life and living requires your  presence here and now

Is it possible to undertake any number of life’s everyday activities and effectively take care of business while one is on Auto Pilot?  Are we engaged or did we just roll through that stop sign and hit our sweet 80yr old neighbor while she carefully navigated the crosswalk with her walker?   What does it feel like to be on Auto Pilot?   Hello??? Are you there?? Are you listening?

Where the hell did I go and how long have I been gone?!?

That’s what it feels like to be on auto pilot.  Focused somewhere in another galaxy far, far away dreaming of a new life, new phone or winning the lottery.  Maybe, having that  long, drawn out conversation you could have had with that a**hole that insulted you in 1980  in front of your super hot girl friend.  Feels bitchen doesn’t it.  You’re the man and In Control!

Point being-You are not here now and basically, not really living in this moment.  Where, in truth, life is happening now .    We  excavate  our past lives and suddenly, we have re-written history.   Or,  dissect and plan our future and we are a huge success.  It’s ancient history or a glorious  future.  Either way it doesnt frickin’ exist.  Thoughts impact our now moment and let’s face it-It can really suck!

Life is not a flat line but a series of experiences

Some of those experiences will be  judged and separated into a good and bad pile.  Both are stored in the vault of the mind for future reference and evidence of what works and doesnt work. They become part of the stories we tell ourselves.  And, we are officially in Auto Pilot.

We tell ourselves a story about how we see ourselves  experiencing life, especially when it is terribly uncomfortable.  Our stories do not reflect reality  and tend to be a reflection of  past experiences.  Stories  manage the uncomfortable thoughts or feelings we are experiencing now.   We go to the vault or, in essence, the past to deal with what is happening right now.  It happens quickly but can linger for hours, days, or years.  The mind continues to churn out evidence that our stories are real.   Images and feelings come  back to life.  The discomfort is as palatable today as it was 10 years ago.

Life is about the moments here and now.   Whether you are engaged with others, experiences, or yourself-

  1.  Slow down little doggie!  What’s this waking nightmare you’re experiencing right now?
  2.  Listen Up! Is this little drama churning in your brain real or even close to any truth based in this moment? I mean right this minute
  3. Seriously?!? Is it making you feel any better?
  4. Wake Up! You are having a nightmare.
  5. It’s not real.  Focus, focus, on taking a really deep breath.
  6. See that?  You’re still alive and isn’t that great!
  7. Wow, glad that’s over! Do you really want the walking dead rummaging in your underwear drawer ?  Wake Up!  You need new underwear!
  8. Let’s just put that puppy to bed.  What’s happening right now?  Don’t you feel like 100x’s better
  9. OK.  You get a do over and all in the matter of a couple of nano seconds.





Did you Really Say That?


When Life Throws  A Curve Ball

As a massage therapist, I know and accept how important it is that I am present in mind and body for my work week.  Unfortunately, things happen.  In my case, things have been happening since March 2017.  When I say “things”,  I am referring to the serious things that happen to all of us during our lifetime and it usually involves tragedy or a loss of some kind.  Things that require immediate and sometimes, long term focus or management.

My work is important to me.  Clients are important and some have become friends over the years.  When life throws a curve, I do my best to keep clients informed and manage my absence and their schedule to the best of my ability.   But here is the rub:

If a client is unhappy due to my absence, please don’t share with me the following:

“You know if you keep rescheduling or cancelling an appointment, people need what they need and will find someone else.”

Really!  That has crossed my mind, maybe once, but –  Did you Really Say That ?!?

I get that clients will come and go for various reasons and that is quite alright with me.  Better they get their needs met than remain uncomfortable.  Please, you have my blessing but please keep certain thoughts to yourself because your massage therapist might be having a bad day, month or year.  After all, she may be a miracle worker but just off her game due to life and the curve balls it throws from time to time.



Top 10 Benefits of Massage

Top 10 Benefits of Massage

  1. Reduce inflammation due to soft tissue injury, surgery or overuse
  2. Reduce anxiety
  3. Reduce stress
  4. Improves stress related insomnia
  5. Reduce Smiling woman enjoying a massageheadaches
  6. Increase body awareness
  7. Increase emotional well being
  8. Reduce tension
  9. Improve range of motion and flexibility
  10. Reduce Pain

Massage therapy is not only a relaxing and revitalizing experience one has in a spa environment, but an alternative or complimentary form of medicine.   Massage may be used in combination with acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, and physical therapy.   It is also offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.

Bottom line,  whether massage is a complimentary choice suggested by a medical professional  to manage a specific health concern or  you are exploring an alternative to  relieving  stress,  massage can be a powerful key to your health and well being.

Sitting may shorten your life span

Its 8:29 am and I am sitting at my computer reading an article written by Anne Fisher for Fortune magazine.  Basically, it cites a couple of studies that include evidence that sitting at your desk increases your risk of heart disease and/or premature death.  Sitting at your desk for long periods of time and suffering the consequences isn’t gender specific. Men and women are at risk for early death.

Dwomen in the office with back paino we really need a study to conclude that sitting at a desk 8-10 hours a day can be hazardous to one’s health?  As a massage therapist, I have seen the ill effects of a sedentary office job and life style.  Chronic neck and shoulder pain, low back and sciatic pain, poor circulation in the lower extremities, and some degree of “bursitis” either to hip or shoulder.  Lack of movement creates lack of flexibility and overall fatigue.  Think about it for a moment and visualize what happens to your joints, muscles, and circulation when you don’t get up and move.  I have also noted, many who sit at their desks all day, eat a meal and take breaks at their desks.  Maybe, eating wasn’t even on the schedule.  Some have mentioned that they actually forget to void during the day.  So, how many Uti’s and bladder infections are a result of your desk job?

The good news, exercise!  Get up and move away from the desk-NOW.  Take the stairs and take your breaks away from the desk.  If you just can’t get away from your desk, (then you must be handcuffed to it)   stand up, stretch, move and BREATH.  Here’s another tip:   Walk 10 minutes before you go to work.  Do it again at lunch and before you head home.  And lastly, before or after you eat dinner. That’s 40 minutes of walking per day!

By now, you are probably wondering what massage therapy has to do with any of this.  Well, there’s a pretty good chance you will end up on my table.  Why?  Because, I believe the overall effect of a desk job not only plays havoc with your body, it can decrease your overall sense of well being.beard business man has neck pain At the end of the day, you look forward to the end of the day and then the weekend.  Why?  So you can finally recline on the couch and recover.  Wait a minute! You’ve just spent 40 hours plus sitting at a desk and now you’re are going to spend your weekend recovering?  Back it up.  It’s time to for a reality check.  You will find the awareness you need with exercise and a few work and lifestyle changes.  Massage will bring awareness back into your body. We will explore your chronic muscle pain and lack of flexibility, get real about why you are suffering and what you can do about it.  Massage can increase circulation, decrease discomfort, increase flexibility and improve personal well being.